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Office: 305-420-6530, Fax: 877-341-4765, 8750 Estada Circle, Cooper City FL 33024
Our Clients
Osti & Associates is proud to have worked with the following clients:
Life & Specialty Ventures www.lsvusa.com HealthDrive www.healthdrive.com
Georgia-Pacific www.gp.com Wachovia is now Wells Fargo - www.wellsfargo.com
BankBoston NYU Medical Center - Tisch Hospital www.med.nyu.edu
Exide Technologies www.exide.com conEdison, inc. www.coned.com
National Federation of the Blind www.nfb.org Zurich Insurance www.zurich.com
U.S. Department of Defense www.defense.gov Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida www.bcbsfl.com
LandRoller www.landroller.com