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AchilleShield™ — The Solution to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Complexity

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity has emerged from a low priority business issue to a core business requirement since the occurrence of the 9/11 disaster. The ability for a business to maintain it's operational capability in the face of risks ranging from terrorist attacks to regional power outages to natural events such as hurricanes is critical to it's survival.

AchilleShield™ is a proprietary computer simulation technology and service offering that enables companies to rapidly optimize their disaster recovery and business recovery capability.

Are you prepared to keep your business operational in the event of a disaster?
Are you confronting the enormous investment costs of creating 100% mirroring of your business capability? What are the alternatives?
Which business groups would you "bump" to relocate your highest priority business operations?
What facility/technology infrastructure would you need in place for them to do their job?
Where should the recovery facilities be located?
Many companies have embarked on the process of designing back-up strategies and recovery plans. However the challenges are formidable.
Most companies have rejected the huge costs of 100% mirroring their organization but are unsure of the best alternatives
Disaster recovery planning is a highly complex problem with an enormous number of potential recovery options
Did you realize that a Bank with just 10 facilities and 50 business groups has
over 2 QUADRILLION (2,000,000,000,000,000) recovery options?!
The investments to achieve high levels of recovery capability could exceed hundreds of millions of dollars
Determining how to minimize required investment costs and maximize recovery capability is impossible with conventional management tools/techniques

is the solution

AchilleShield™ Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity technology / process addresses these challenges and mitigates the impact of a disaster before it occurs. By applying AchilleShield™, O&A helps you:

Reduce the risk of business interruptions and lost income
Reduce disaster recovery / business continuity investment and operating costs
Lower your capital reserve requirements driven by Basel II
Improve your corporate image and rating by Wall Street and your customers
What range of DR/BC problems can AchilleShield™ help solve?
What is AchilleShield™?
Proprietary software simulation is based on constraint optimization techniques and algorithms
Simulates disasters and tests the organization's business recovery capability under a multitude of recovery configurations
Optimizes recovery plans searching for the lowest costs to achieve required risk readiness levels
The technology is delivered as an integral part of a service that supports your entire disaster recovery and business continuity planning process
 Learn more about AchilleShield™
 Range of DR/BC problems AchilleShield™ can help solve
     Comprehensive presentation  PDF
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