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Customer / Product Rationalization

Customer / Product Rationalization (CPR)
Many companies are aware that more than 80% of their profits are generated by fewer than 20% of their customers and products. However, companies are typically unsure exactly which customers and products are most profitable. In addition, many companies are unclear which customers and products are unprofitable.

Do you know if all of your products are profitable?
Have you acquired a business and captured all of the benefits from rationalizing customers, products, and plants?
Are your total costs to serve customers understood?
Do you know if your CRM systems are actually making it easier for low profit customers to buy low profit products?
Do you have a process to review customer and product profitability on a regular basis?

O&A's CPR will breathe new life into your company. We accomplish this by:
Applying the O&A CPR Diagnostic to size the improvement
Partnering with our client to more accurately measure customer/product profitability
Building an internal team who will make the difficult decisions required to eliminate certain customers and products
Designing effective communication programs which inform customers and employees of changes
Implementing systems to maintain the process

The outcomes are quantifiable profit improvements. As a result, more attention and energy is focused on growing both profitable customers and products.

 What is CPR?  Flash Presentation  PDF
     How CPR can enhance CRM & ABC projects  PDF
         CPR White Paper - A Closer Look at Profitability  PDF
             CPR - Unleashing Value  PDF
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